RMOD-K Formula is an open source collection of two simple tire models and related stuff like optimisation tools and simulation interfaces. It was intended to build a package reaching from parameter optimisation based on measurements of steady state force and moment to simulation models of steady state tire behaviour in vehicle dynamics. This may be used for instance in some field of education or any other field, where steady state tire behaviour is of interest.
The basic idea was to provide an algebraic formula with physical meaningfully parameters and a discrete version of tangential contact formulation to get some insights in tangential contact mechanics. The analytic formula allows for instance to investigate the stability of small vehicle models by analytical linearisation even in combined slip situation. This may lead to stability maps with respect to certain tire parameters expressing friction or stiffness properties. The extended discrete version takes into account more detailed information about normal stress distribution, contact area shape and friction properties and is able to deal with camber.
This documentation explains the basic theory behind the models and how to create custom version within the framework of optimisation and simulation interfaces. The structure of the documentation is divided into two parts, in which the first deals with the model equations and assumptions made while the second part explains the software tools and gives some application examples. The author is grateful for all further developments and information about the application of the package. Everybody is invited to use the software, to contribute to the development and to give related comments.
Detailed desciption:
Open documentation: via pdf
Download the software for Windows (executables and source files, projects for Visual Studio version Link_VS_2013 or Link_VS_2017)